Looking to the future now more than ever before

ID Energy Group is an international renewable energy group specialized in solar energy. We support and guide our clients throughout all stages of the process, from identifying opportunities and developing projects through to construction and maintenance, allowing them to avoid risks and providing a committed, agile and approachable service.

ID Energy Group in figures

+ 425

MW built

+ 5

GW under development



+ 250


+ 402

tonnes of CO2 avoided per year

Our values, our DNA

We are agents of change.
We are fully committed to making a positive contribution to both society and the planet. We envisage a world where energy is created in a smart manner that doesn’t put the quality of life of future generations in jeopardy.

Beyond Solar Power


Our locations

(+34) 926 216 343
Calle Marconi, 3
13005 Ciudad Real

(+34) 910 581 923
Calle Acanto, 22. 11º
28045 Madrid

Calle Miguel Iscar 5, 3º izquierda.
47001 Valladolid

Calle los Palillos Diecinueve, Nave 2,
41500 Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla

Komitetu Obrony Robotników 45D
02-146 Warsaw

Plac Porozumienia Gdańskiego,1
80-864 Gdańsk

(+36) 1 365 6005
Andrássy Avenue 20. 2nd floor, 4
1061 Budapest

Dubljanska 33, 2º
11000 Belgrade

Viale Luca Gaurico 9/11 Scala A - 4º piano
00143 Roma


Marchant Pereira 150, 5º OF-502.
7500523 Santiago, Providencia, Región Metropolitana


At ID Energy Group, we hold the most important certifications on the market that guarantee the quality, safety, and efficiency of our services.

ISO 9001:2015. Quality Management
ISO 14001. Enviromental Management
ISO 45001. Health and Safety Management



ERDF International Promotion Plan
Funding for renewable energy use in Castilla-La Mancha 2018
ERDF Brand Management for Internationalization